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Writer: clothierlaceyandcoclothierlaceyandco

Updated: Nov 29, 2023

Students, staff and governors at Kenton School are celebrating the success of sixth form students after the A-level results were released today, despite the impact of Covid. The results demonstrate another year of positive outcomes.

Kenton School is one of two schools operated by Northern Leaders Trust (formerly Kenton Schools Academy Trust), a multi-academy trust which has a growing reputation for improving schools through a combination of strong, visionary leadership, high quality teaching and learning and effective governance.

The growing impact of the new approach of the Trust is evident following a series of key changes recently, notably the appointment of a new CEO in January 2022 to drive change, followed by the appointment of a new executive principal in March.

This year, outcomes in Biology, Sport, English (both Language and Literature) and Mathematics were particularly strong with a number of students gaining top grades. Additionally, many students who hope to go on to higher education have met or exceeded their offers allowing them to gain access to the UK’s best universities.

Within these results, there are some outstanding individual performances: Katherine Nicholson, gained A*A* and A; she is going to Nottingham to study Veterinary Science. Maria Salter gained A*A*AA, she is going to Newcastle to study Mechanical Engineering. Jessica Hastings was also successful in gaining A*AA and has been accepted to Oxford to study Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics. Scott Donaldson gained D*A*B and will study Performing Arts at Sunderland. Exauce Abibu is considering his options having gained D*AC. Hrishikesh Manu is going to study Civil Engineering at Newcastle having gained BBB.

Assistant principal, Head of Sixth Form, Stephen Ord said: “These results show the commitment and hard work of our pupils combined with high quality teaching and learning have led to great success. Today is about rewarding the students for having the resilience to come through COVID and still produce outstanding results. The number of students successfully moving on to the next stage with their first choice destination is extremely pleasing.”

Vice principal, Richard Devlin, said:

“I want to congratulate the students and their parents for a fantastic set of results. We are all extremely proud of the hard work and dedication they have demonstrated to achieve them. As an academy we are proud that students will leave well-equipped for university or employment. We are also pleased that we have continued to support students that have ambitions to progress in the workplace or through apprenticeship schemes.

“Results like these make all the dedication worthwhile and it is gratifying to have played a part in helping our amazing students to gain life-changing outcomes.”

CEO, Ian Kershaw, added: “Northern Leaders Trust is laying the foundations now for a period of solid growth over the coming years. These results are just the start of this journey. I am delighted that our sixth form students have achieved so much and wish them well in their future endeavours.”

The video is available to watch below:


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